Once again, it’s Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day, and once again, Flòraidh MacDonald Ford has agreed to sit down and answer a few of ours. We’re delighted she was able to take time from her busy and hectic schedule to join us.
- Flòraidh, what have you been up to this year?
Thank you for inviting me back! It’s been a busy year. I moved and now have a house with windows on all the sides and trees and a bird feeder. When I’m not on my heated bed I have to check things out from all directions. And there are so many different sunbeams to chase.
- Have you acquired any new favorite things this year?
Well, there’s my heated bed, my scratchy mushroom, my scratchy Christmas tree, the little nest bed mommy made me in the fireplace that I don’t sit in, and the robot with feathers Santa brought me. Plus loads more fancy collars and toys to chase. I have a wee lobster called Floyd.
- Do you have any goals for the new year?
No, not as such. I’ve achieved perfection but those around me could always stand for some improvement.
(Arches back. Rolls and shows tummy.)
- Childless cat ladies?
I’m the cat of a childless cat lady and I just don’t see what the issue is. She’s happy with her life choices. She has me and I’m totally indulged. More people like mommy should run things. We’d have all the toys we want and plenty of laptime and belly rubs.
- How has the move changed your daily schedule?
It’s still very busy. I have a lot responsibility and there’s a great deal of pressure on me. But I do get held even more than I did before and now I have my own spot on the desk so I can really supervise what’s happening at Blackwater.
- What’s your favorite thing about your new house?
While the office only has one window and not an interesting one, I like how I can scratch my mushroom without having to leave my heated bed. And sometimes, if I want to bake a part of me that isn’t my tummy, I get under the bed and against the heat duct. And there’s a birdfeeder out front. It’s like cat T.V.!
- Hardbacks, paperbacks, or ebooks?
Paperbacks definitely. I tend to be held while other people read and hardbacks are a challenge if you’re multitasking (should one be multitasking while holding me…? That’s the real question.) and I don’t like being a rest for a hardback. I’m very small and hardbacks are heavy. Same problem with ebooks: I get moved or fussed at if I sit on electronics and I think they require two hands to use and I like to bite when people use their phones near me. And besides, the Ford household is a bit old-fashioned. We like actual paper.
- How has your manuscript selection method developed over the years you’ve been involved with Blackwater? Has anything in your process changed?
No, not really, though sometimes I chew on the paper.
- …because…?
Because I like how it feels.

- What have been the high points of the past year?
Moving. I don’t get carsick when we travel anymore. Breaking my carrier and getting to ride in a box. Getting my heated bed. Having mommy home with me a lot more. Oh…and I had my 32st kill…
- How has fame changed your life?
It hasn’t.
- Have you ever knocked a book off a shelf just because you disagreed with the ending?
(Rolls to side, stretches slowly in all directions.)
- What was the name of Alexander the Great’s horse?
(Gives disdainful look.)
Everyone knows it’s Bucephalus.
- What do you all day when you’re on your own?
(Rolls over. Shows tummy. Pulls legs up into a shrimp position.)
And sometimes I get out Fish on a Stick and leave him some place new. I howl when I do that.
- What advice to you have for Blackwater Press in the coming year?
Cha dig ugh mòr a tòn an dreathain.
- We’ve touched on politics already: do you have any thoughts on today’s major world event you’d like to share?
(Contorts. Slowly licks behind.)
- Quite. Any parting thoughts for this year?
Sometimes I spring in a circle and grab my tail.